LPS:Shib plus WA

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  • napsat rusovi podrobne informace o chybe a jejich pricinach se zadosti o radu co s tim [indy]
  • vyzjistit jak funguje webauthi reautentizace [bodik,p@ja]
  • asi potrebujeme idp auth external nebo coze

co jsme zatim udelali

  • webauth 4.0.1 jak na webkdc tak na mod_webauth
  • pri instalaci webauth-weblogin jsem pridali adresar kamsi do /usr/local/share/weblogin a dali jsme tam webserveru pristup pro kompilovani perlovskych template -- TODO: tohle presunout jinam ..
  • prevazali jsme tomcati kontejner za apache pres modjk protoze mod_proxy_ajp umi predat dodatecne atributy jenom pomoci http headers a to neni bezpecne. do propagovanych atributu jsme dali vsechny ktere wa 4.0.1 podporuje. je zajime ze pri iteraci pres request.getAttributeNames se polozky neukazuji, ale pri primem pristupu ano...
  • preloziji jsme vlastni IDPcko ze zdrojovych kodu
  • vytvorili prvni implmenentaci ktera se na venek tvari tak jak bychom chteli, implementaci je potreba upravit aby odpovidala specifikaci presne (MUST != MUST-10sec)


(note that we don't have latest IDP version in production, line numbers taken from sources may differ)

our IDP configuration webapps/idp/conf/handler.xml

 <LoginHandler xsi:type="RemoteUser">
 <LoginHandler xsi:type="PreviousSession">

error message showed during working with our TCS application (requesting a new certificate)

07:44:27.748 - INFO [edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.idp.authn.AuthenticationEngine:440] - Force authentication requested but no login handlers available to support it
07:44:27.748 - INFO [Shibboleth-Access:72] - 20110525T054427Z||shib.zcu.cz:443|/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO|
07:44:27.756 - WARN [org.opensaml.saml2.binding.encoding.BaseSAML2MessageEncoder:88] - Relay state exceeds 80 bytes, some application may not support this.

so we think, than when our application is requesting forced authentication, shibboleth determines a set of available authentication methods in

 protected void filterByForceAuthentication(Session idpSession, LoginContext loginContext,
      LoginHandler loginHandler;
      for (AuthenticationMethodInformation activeMethod : activeMethods) {
          loginHandler = loginHandlers.get(activeMethod.getAuthenticationMethod());
          if (loginHandler != null && !loginHandler.supportsForceAuthentication()) {
              for (String handlerSupportedMethods : loginHandler.getSupportedAuthenticationMethods()) {
                  LOG.debug("Removing LoginHandler {}, it does not support forced re-authentication", loginHandler.getClass().getName());
      if (loginHandlers.isEmpty()) {
          LOG.info("Force authentication requested but no login handlers available to support it");
          throw new ForceAuthenticationException();

we end up with empty loginHandlers because we'r using:

public class RemoteUserLoginHandler extends AbstractLoginHandler {

which inherits supportsForceAuthentication from:

public abstract class AbstractLoginHandler implements LoginHandler {
   /** Constructor. */
   protected AbstractLoginHandler(){
       supportedAuthenticationMethods = new LazyList<String>();
       supportsForceAuthentication = false;
       supportsPassive = false;

we thinks that we might need to program new LoginHandler based on


in which we'll employ WebAuth reauthentication protocol features ?