Problems in JIS card production

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Dear user,

On this page, you will find a detailed explanation of situations which prevent the production of your card

Nestandardní fotografie / A nonstandard photograph

The photograph does not meet the requirements of a passport photograph.

Common mistakes:

shadows occurring behind the head, shadows in the face, multicolour background, incorrect format proportions, incorrect position of the applicant, shoulders not visible, etc.

You can submit a photograph complying with the standards of a passport photograph by the following means:

  • e-mail the electronic version of the photo to Your personal identification number must be contained in the e-mail.

Uneven background Uneven background
Jis spatna3.png
Jis spatna2.png
Low-quality cut Dark background
Jis spatna4.png
Jis spatna7.png

Nekvalitní fotografie/A low-quality photograph

The photograph meets the main requirements of a passport photograph, but the quality is poor.

Common mistakes:

Small photo size, low resolution, damaged photo, damaged by adhesive tape.


You can deliver a photograph which has met the standards of a passport photograph by the following means.

  • e-mail the electronic version of the photo to Remember to write down the personal identification number in the e-mail.
Unfocused photo Low resolution Noise
Jis spatna1.png
Jis spatna5.png
Jis spatna6.png

Nesouhlasí titul s IS/STAG / The academic degree does not correspond with IS/STAG

The academic degree on the JIS card application does not correspond to the academic degree in the information about your study in IS/STAG. HOW TO PROCEED:
If you insist on the academic degree, please contact your study department to include the academic degree in in the information about your study. If you do not insist on the academic degree, please contact HelpDesk CIV to enable you to get the JIS card produced without the academic degree.

Nesouhlasí jméno s IS/STAG / The name does not correspond with IS/STAG

The name on the JIS card application does not correspond to the title in the information about your study in IS/STAG. HOW TO PROCEED:
To solve the problem, contact HelpDesk CIV.

Nesouhlasí titul s INISem / The academic degree does not correspond with INIS

The title on JIS card application does not correspond with the title in HR office. HOW TO PROCEED:
If you insist on the particular academic degree, please contact your study department to include the academic degree in the information about your study. If you do not insist on the particular academic degree, please contact HelpDesk CIV to enable you to get the JIS card produced without the academic degree.

Nesouhlasí druh karty s typem studia / The type of JIS card does not correspond with the form of study

The type of JIS card that does not correspond with the form of study was chosen on the application form. HOW TO PROCEED:
Apply for a new JIS card on If you have any questions, please contact HelpDesk CIV.

Chybí fotografie / A photograph is missing

A photo is missing on the application form: it was not saved while the electronic form was uploading or it was poorly attached to the JIS card paper application form. HOW TO PROCEED:
You can deliver a photograph which has met the standards of a passport photograph by the following means: • E-mail the electronic version of a photo to • Remember to write down the personal identification number in the e-mail.

Jiná karta v oběhu / Another card already in use

A student submitted another JIS card application form, despite the fact that the he/she is already using one. HOW TO PROCEED:
Please contact HelpDesk CIV. ==Nesouhlasí platba s typem karty / The payment does not correspond with the type of card You have probably paid the wrong amount of money for your JIS card. Please contact HelpDesk CIV to agree on how to proceed in this situation.