Problems in JIS card production

Z HelpDesk
Verze z 6. 11. 2019, 11:52, kterou vytvořil Sazuz (diskuse | příspěvky) (oficialni preklad)
English version
Czech version

Dear user,

on this webpage you will find a detailed explanation of the reasons preventing the issuance of your JIS card.

Nestandardní fotografie / Non-standard photo

Your photo does not meet the required standards for ID photos.

Common mistakes:

Shadow in the background, a shadow on the face, multicoloured background, wrong aspect ratio, incorrect position of the applicant, missing shoulders, etc.

Your photo which meets the standards for ID photos can be delivered to our office by:

  • sending the photo and your birth certificate number to the following email address:

Inconsistent background Inconsistent background
Jis spatna3.png
Jis spatna2.png
Incorrect crop Dark background
Jis spatna4.png
Jis spatna7.png

Nekvalitní fotografie/Poor-quality photo

Your photo meets the ID photo standards but has poor quality.

Common mistakes:

Small-size photo, low resolution, the photo is damaged or covered, etc.


Your photo which meets the standards for ID photos can be delivered to our office by:

  • sending the photo and your birth certificate number to the following email address:
Blurred photo Low resolution Noise
Jis spatna1.png
Jis spatna5.png
Jis spatna6.png

Nesouhlasí titul s IS/STAG / Your degree does not correspond to the information in the study administration and information system IS/STAG

Your degree stated in the application for the issuance of the JIS card does not correspond to the degree specified in the administration and information system IS/STAG.

If you insist the degree designation is correct, contact the Office for Academic Studies. If you do not insist on a particular degree, contact HelpDesk CIV to issue your JIS card without the degree.

Nesouhlasí jméno s IS/STAG / Your name does not correspond to the name stated in the study administration and information system IS/STAG

Your name stated in the application for the issuance of the JIS Card does not correspond to the name specified in the study administration and information system IS/STAG.
To solve this problem, please contact HelpDesk CIV.

Nesouhlasí titul s INISem / Your degree does not correspond to INIS

Your degree does not correspond to INIS.
If you insist the degree designation is correct, contact the human resources department. If you do not insist on a particular degree, contact HelpDesk CIV to issue your JIS card without the degree.

Nesouhlasí druh karty s typem studia / The type of your JIS card does not correspond to the form of your study

The application for the issuance of your JIS Card states an incorrect form of study.
Submit a new application on the website If you have further questions, please contact HelpDesk CIV.

Chybí fotografie / Missing photo

Your application does not include your photo. Either you forgot to attach it to the application email, or it was poorly connected to the paper application.
Your photo which meets the standards for ID photos can be delivered to our office by:

  • sending the photo and your birth certificate number to the following email address:

Jiná karta v oběhu / Another card in use

The user submitted an application for the issuance of a JIS Card, but he/she already has one.
Please contact HelpDesk CIV.

Nesouhlasí platba s typem karty / The payment for the issuance of a JIS card does not correspond to its type

YIf you paid an incorrect fee for the issuance of your JIS Card, please contact HelpDesk CIV.